Physics Demonstration Videos
These videos have been developed for different elementary physics courses (including this one) and have been very instrumental when those courses had to be taught in a fully remote format.
More videos, that may be not as useful as from the list, are available here, and here.
The department web site also has some video demonstrations; the indicator of a video is letter V in the description of a demo (see an example below).
For publications on strategies for teaching STEM courses follow to this website.
General topics
1.A demonstration show with Prof. Andrew Duffy (~1,5 hours)
2.Two nice programs for video data collection and analysis
5.What is a vector? The basics.
6.Elementary operations with a vector.
8.Vector addition (another version)
11.An example of 1-D case of relative motion
12.How to read a position graph.
13.How to relate the direction of velocity and of acceleration.
14.Using LoggerPro to study 1-dimentional motion.
15.The basics of the motion with constant acceleration (MCA)
17.A race: Two carts on two tracks
18.X-Y independence (old)
19.X-Y independence – new version
20.A Ballistic cart (old)
21.A Ballistic cart – new version
23.A monkey and a hunter demo (another version)
24.2D Velocity (crossing a river using the fastest path)
25.An example of 2-D relative motion (crossing a river)
30.The essence of the Newton's third law
31.Introduction into LCLM (law of conservation of linear momentum)
32.Momentumcart (“an air rocket”)
33.Cartmomentum (the law of conservation of linear momentum)
34.A "happy ball - sad ball" experiment. (home edition)
37.Introduction into LCME (law of conservation of mechanical energy)
39.Ballistic pendulum (home edition).
40.Examples of elastic collisions.
41.Examples of collisions between two carts.
Rotation, Circular motion, Rolling
42.Velocity of a ball on a string in UCM (uniform circular motion)
43.Why in UCM (uniform circular motion) there is always acceleration?
44.Rotational dynamics (centripetal forces as a function of a radius)
49.Introduction into torque: examples, definition
50.Finding the direction of torque.
51.Solving a problem on torque: an example #1.
52.Mass v. mass distribution for rotational inertia.
53.Torque (Newton’s 2nd law for rotation): experiment 1
54.Torque (Newton’s 2nd law for rotation): experiment 2
55.The equilibrium condition for a solid object.
56.A problem-solving strategy for problems on torque.
57.An example of the law of conservation of angular momentum: a shot in a disk.
58.An example of the law of conservation of angular momentum: a drop on a disk.
59.Rolling a big spool on a table and different shapes down a ramp
Pressure, Fluids
60.Crash a can
63.11/12/2015 12:50 air cannon test
64.The air cannon demonstration
65.Talking about the atmospheric pressure
66.Having fun with a floating balloon buoyancy vs gravity
69.Four viscosity experiments (a drop in a glycerin; Stokes’ law; water v. glycerin; bubbles in fluids)
70.Viscosity (Stokes’ law)
71.Air bubbles in liquids with different viscosity
Oscillations and waves
72.Hanging slinky (a longitudinal pulse)
73.Horizontal Simple Harmonic Motion
Gas laws and thermodynamics
76.An experiment on the Gay-Lussac’s Law
77.An experiment on the Gay-Lussac’s Law (another version)
78.The definition and two nice demonstrations for an adiabatic process.
80.Cool cooling! (two cans)
81.How to find the work done by gas in one cycle: an example
82.Calculating the efficiency of a non-Carnot engine.
83.Two working heat engines: a small demo.
85.Making things cool (experiments with LN2)
Electricity and Magnetism
86.Introduction into electric force: simple demonstrations.
96.Electric filed and electric potential demonstration
97.A discussion about electric field and electric potential
98.A dipole in electric field from a Wimshurst machine
99.A new way of doing peanuts and VDG generator experiment
100. A simple demo an electric dipole in a capacitor
101. Parallel-plate capacitor (charging and changing the distance)
102. Inserting a dielectric in a capacitor
103. Discharging a big capacitor
104. Peanuts and Van Der Graaf experiment
105. Van De Graaff Generator makes a spark that lightens up a lamp
106. Aliens exist! (electrostatics)
107. A discussion on the Ohm’s Law
108. An open bulb in LN2
109. AC LR circuit (variable inductance and a bulb)
110. What is happening in an RL-circuit
111. What is happening in an RC-circuit
112. Curie POINT
113. Curie point
114. 3D magnetic field
115. Iron filings in magnetic field
117. e over m beam
118. Electrons in a circular trajectory
119. Oersted effect
120. Three simple demonstrations on magnetism (a jumping wire; a ring in a magnetic field, a DC motor).
122. Force on a wire in magnetic field
123. A spinning loop (a DC motor)
124. 3 Faraday coils
125. An experiment on mutual inductance
126. Motional EMF
127. Faraday's law makes Samsung pay works
129. Genecon generators and a bulb
130. A card reader
131. A card reader and an oscilloscope (reading a card)
132. A card reader and an oscilloscope (using a magnet)
133. A jumping ring and a induction coil (a transformer)
134. Eddy currents in a pendulum
136. Magnetic Eddy current brake
137. Dropping a magnet in a pipe
138. Electro magnetic wave is polarized (an EMW generator and a receiver)
139. Faraday's cage, shielding
140. Evanescent wave demo (and total internal reflection for EMW)
141. Pile driver (can crusher) as polarizer (mechanical model of polarization)
Modern Physics
142. Electron diffraction
143. Surviving an explosion of … (“the chain reaction”)
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