Physics there is an object called a prototype (or a standard, or an étalon).
has enormous importance in physics, in science, and in life in general, because based on a prototype scientists and engineers
make simpler, cheaper, and in large quantities copies of the prototype and use
them to make consistent and accurate measurements, the result of which does not
depend on by whom and where that measurement was made. A prototype ensures uniformity
of the measures across human practices and professional fields.
not in education.
has no prototypes.
makes the field of education virtually immeasurable, hence, non-scientific.
Education research is not an actual scientific research establishing strong
correlations between well-defined parameters, but an exploration, similar to a geographer
exploring a new territory and writing letters with the description of the
discoveries he/she made (or a botanist or zoologist describing new species they found).
state of affairs, however, can be changed, and the company that pioneers
the transformation from an exploration to a scientific research will dominate
the market of educational practices for years ahead.
have developed specific instruments that can make this transformation to happen
in physics education (and the principles can be applied to other STEM areas,
starting from math and chemistry).
who is interested to learn more about my approach is welcome to contact me (scroll down for the contact information; as well as for the confirmation of my professional abilities).
Two short video presentations:
There are apps which will solve for you any regular equation from a standard textbook (just take a picture).
There are NO apps or computer programs which can solve problems from a standard elementary physics textbook. Because solving physics problems requires a very specific way of thinking, i.e. specific type of intelligence.
And that shows the difference between math and physics. Physics uses math, which means, physics is math plus ... a lot more called thinking.
P.S. This is one of five strategic projects I am interested in ("Don't place all your eggs in one basket")
Some of my "interventions" into the field of AI development:
On The Definition of AI
Relax! The real AI is Not Coming Any Soon!
The Dawn of the New AI Era (the 1st piece on AI training)
Who Will Train Our Artificial Puppies (the 2nd piece on AI training)?
Applying AI to study and improve learning
and teaching practices: An invitation to a collaboration

To Whom It May Concern:
am one of those people called “bilinguals” who, according to the President ofM.I.T. Prof. Rafael Reif, will be transforming the future of AI.
am a theoretical physicist by trade, a physics instructor and a writer by my
profession, and an expert on human intelligence.
would like to be a part of the laboratory “AI for education” of any institution
which has or will be opening such a laboratory.
personally would like to be involved into the research and development of AI
named “a perfect physics student”, i.e. and AI which can solve any problem from
any regular physics textbook.; and AI named “a perfect physics teacher”, i.e.
AI which can explain to a regular person how to solve any problem from any
regular physics textbook, and guide a student through the problem-solving
process better than an average physics teacher does it these days.
am a very good physics teacher. I have a solid proof of that. For
example, this is an excerpt from one of many student evaluations: “I hated
physics before taking this course, and now after taking both 105 and 106 with
Mr. V, I actually really enjoy it. He is one of the best teachers I've ever
had. Thank you” (ten
more pages on this link :) ).
Why am I good a teaching
Because I know patterns needed for creating solutions to physics problems; I know patterns needed for learning how to create solutions to physics problems; and I know patterns needed for teaching how to create solutions to physics problems; and I am good at using those patterns in my teaching practice.
Because I know patterns needed for creating solutions to physics problems; I know patterns needed for learning how to create solutions to physics problems; and I know patterns needed for teaching how to create solutions to physics problems; and I am good at using those patterns in my teaching practice.
I also have a very good knowledge of
how AI works (currently), or should work (in general). I have published some
pieces on the matter, including one giving an operational definition of AI: the
latest piece is available at; the
original definition is presented at
In fact, the latter piece had been
reviewed in a professional peer reviewed magazine with the following response,
Dr. Voroshilov:
enjoyed your letter, but the board declines to publish it because they thought
it would be too controversial.
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence”.
I think, “too controversial” may be exactly what the lab “AI for
Education” should embrace.
course, the strategy which will be used for AI in physics education can be used
for math education, and for other science subjects.
also have an experience in educational consulting and teacher professional
development and have a clear vision for specific projects merging advances in
AI with advancing the practice of education in general.
DARPA pre-solicitation #
DARPA-PA-18-02-02, titled “the
Artificial Intelligence Research Associate (AIRA) program” “invites submissions of innovative basic research proposals to
address two main objectives: 1) explore and develop novel new AI algorithms and
approaches for discovery of scientific laws and governing equations for
complex physical phenomena”.
I would like to point at the fact
that the reasoning process one uses when
constructing a solution to a physics problem one has no experience of solving
in the past has close similarities to the reasoning process one uses “for discovery of
scientific laws and governing equations for complex physical phenomena”.
Creating AI which can solve physics problems is a natural
step toward creating AI Research Associate.
Since I am not in the field of AI, I have no chance to get
any funding from DARPA.
That is why I started searching for
a group of established researches who would be interested in my projects “AI as
perfect physics student”, and “AI as perfect physics teacher”.
am confident with all the stages of the development of AI applications besides
coding, but coding is the least important or at least the last part of the
whole process (in fact, any good physicists can become a good coder, but the
reversed statement is wrong:
hope to hear from a relevant person with whom I could discuss the details of my
prospective/possible professional involvement/collaboration.
Valentin Voroshilov
Physics Department
P.S. This is one of five strategic projects I am interested in ("Don't place all your eggs in one basket")
_____________P.S. This is one of five strategic projects I am interested in ("Don't place all your eggs in one basket")
My Elevator Pitch
Applying AI to study and improve learning and teaching practices: An invitation to a collaboration
(also in Russian and Chinese)
am HEPHI, i.e. a Highly Experienced Practitioner in Human Intelligence, a.k.a. a Teacher (
also have been doing a research in education, including best practices for
teaching physics and teacher professional development (
am not in the field of AI, machine learning or cloud computing per se, but
I know enough about it.
am critical to the term "Artificial
Intelligence" (although I gave an operational definition of AI, e.g.
"On a
definition of AI", or "The Dawn of The New
AI Era"), but I firmly believe in the power of the deep machine
learning, and I have a clear vision of how it can be used to study and improve
learning and teaching practices on a large scale.
particular, I have developed a specific strategy for using advances
in AI to developing a new type of content knowledge measuring instruments in
physics, mathematics, and chemistry. Based on my knowledge of how mind learns, I
also envision a specific strategy which will lead to the development of AI
capable of solving physics problems, potentially even win a physics
am searching for individuals or organizations which would be interested in
collaborating on this type of R&D.
hope we could have a conversation, which could lead to our partnership.
feel free to contact me:
(always works)
(when at work may not be able to answer immediately).
To learn more about my professional experience:
"Dr. Voroshilov from A to Z"
"The Backpack Full of Cash": pointing at a problem, not offering a solution
Essentials of Teaching Science
"Dr. Voroshilov from A to Z"
"The Backpack Full of Cash": pointing at a problem, not offering a solution
Essentials of Teaching Science
Wednesday, 02/14/2018, I was listening to a live Congressional hearing on AI (
who has a slightest interest in AI should do it, too. I would like to point at
only three (of many) interesting moments.
Despite one of the first of the stated goals of the hearing (to clarify what AI is),
no one of the four panelists offered a clear definition, except saying “AI is
what we see in the futuristic movies” (meaning, basically, devices/systems acting like
people). I wish I could represent or at least to have a discussion about my
definition of AI (which is an artificially manufactured system which can create
solutions to problems the system has never solved before:
When asked when AI could exhibit reasoning abilities similar to human, all four
panelists offered numbers between 20 and 30 years from now. Which makes a
perfect sense to me. If they said "fifty" congressmen could start
thinking "well, if it so far ahead, what's the all fuss, we have more
pressing matters to finance?". But they just could not say "ten"
because they all knew (and all in the field know, and they knew they know) that
"ten years from now" is just not realistic, not believable (and lying
to the Congress is bad – at least according to movies).
When asked about the areas where AI can bring significant advances, NONE (!) of
the participants named education – no one! Clearly “big fish” in AI
don’t have education on the list of their priorities (didn’t pop up in their
mind), or at least as a potential funding generated field. That is despite the
fact that the training procedures they use to “teach” AI, such as “supervised
learning” and “reinforcement learning”, are just simplest teaching approaches –
way before, say, John Dewey’s Constructivism. The reason behind this fact is
very simple – current AI does NOT require any complicated teaching strategy,
current AI is not really smarter than a dog (can recognize a face, a voice, a
command), well, very fast thinking dog. And since AI will not be requiring such
a strategy for at least twenty years, why even bother (even if it will matter rather soon, because those who can see already see "The Dawn of The New AI Era")?
This is one of the
reasons that all my attempts to reach out to AI professionals failed (so far, and the evidence of that - you reading this post). And this was one of the reasons for me to start - by publishing this post - an open search for collaborators
interested into merging advance in AI with education. I consider this as an experiment. In science any outcome is valuable.
Appendix II:
Appendix II:
From the NASA's "Brief History of Rockets"
“In 1898, a Russian schoolteacher, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
(1857-1935), proposed the idea of space exploration by rocket. In a report he
published in 1903, Tsiolkovsky suggested the use of liquid propellants for
rockets in order to achieve greater range. Tsiolkovsky stated that the speed
and range of a rocket were limited only by the exhaust velocity of escaping
gases. For his ideas, careful research, and great vision, Tsiolkovsky has been
called the father of modern astronautics.”
What teachers can do!
Also, keep in mind, if it wasn't for Steve Wozniak, the world would never knew Steve Jobs.
Dear Visitor, please, feel free to use the buttons below to share your feelings (ANY!) about this post to your Twitter of Facebook followers.
Appendix III
Also, keep in mind, if it wasn't for Steve Wozniak, the world would never knew Steve Jobs.
Dear Visitor, please, feel free to use the buttons below to share your feelings (ANY!) about this post to your Twitter of Facebook followers.
Appendix III
What you see below is the work of the Google Translate (I have not touched a character, even if I could for Russian translation). The World is large. Many countries may be looking for a breakthrough in AI by merging it with education. My son lives in Somerville, MA and works for a large Chinese corporation. Why can't I?
Применение ИИ для изучения и совершенствования методов обучения и преподавания: приглашение к сотрудничеству
Уважаемые эксперты,
Я HEPHI, т. Е. Высоко опытный практик в
области интеллекта человека, a.k.a. Teacher
Я также занимаюсь исследованиями в
области образования, включая лучшие практики обучения физике и
профессиональному развитию учителей (
Я не в области ИИ, машинного обучения
или облачных вычислений сам по себе, но я знаю достаточно об этом.
Я критически отношусь к термину
«Искусственный интеллект» (хотя я дал оперативное определение ИИ, например «Об
определении ИИ» или «Рассвет новой эры АИ»), но я твердо верю в силу глубокое
машинное обучение, и у меня есть четкое представление о том, как его можно
использовать для изучения и совершенствования методов обучения и преподавания в
больших масштабах.
В частности, я разработал конкретную
стратегию использования достижений в области ИИ для разработки нового типа
средств измерения знаний в области физики, математики и химии. Основываясь на
моих знаниях о том, как ум учится, я также предвижу конкретную стратегию,
которая приведет к развитию ИИ, способного решать физические проблемы,
потенциально даже выиграть физический конкурс.
Я ищу людей или организаций, которые
были бы заинтересованы в сотрудничестве в этом типе исследований и разработок.
Надеюсь, мы сможем поговорить, что
может привести к нашему партнерству.
Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться
ко мне: (всегда работает)
617-657-9436 (когда на работе
невозможно ответить сразу).
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