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Sunday, December 3, 2017

Educational logistics

According to Google –  
As a teacher with many years of successful teaching experience (, I assure everyone, that education is also based on “a detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities and supplies”. Even an individual teaching practice involves a lot of coordination, and involves many people (for example, students). However, what many people (even teachers) do not realize is that for a teacher, the most important “facilities” he or she uses are his or her intellectual and physiological abilities, and the most important “supplies” is the knowledge relevant for successful teaching.
And that knowledge does not come overnight after getting a teaching license; it comes as a result of a thorough systematic reflection on everyday teaching actions and their results, shared and discussed within a team of colleagues.
The basic theory of learning and teaching has been developed for decades (
There is no yet a science of education in the same sense as the science cine of natural phenomena.
But when chemistry and physics were in the stage of alchemy and fun experiments for royalty, engineers were building, well, buildings, using machines they built for that.
To be a good at something one does not have to be a scientist in the field. A good practitioner is at least or even more important for human practice as a good theoretician.
Every teacher should gradually become a teach-smith (or switch to a different profession;, but no teacher has to become a researcher (unless he or she wants to do it).
Logistical approach to teaching (a.k.a. “Educational Logistics” – do not confuse with “Education logistics”, which is a transportation company) makes teachers to navigate through their own practice by assessing students’ potential, setting achievable goals, and designing effective teaching tactics based on proven educational strategies.
For more information on Educational Logistics, please follow to
and click on the link to “Professional Designing” (or “Structuring Continuous Teacher Professional Development”).
The science of education, however, currently is in the state of a transition from a pre-science (alchemy-like) stage to a true science. This transition is happening due to serious advances in such technological areas as computer-based learning, internet-based learning, communication networks, data analysis.
There is a new emerging field, titled
Network Learning (or, Network Cognitive Psychology)
A new field is initiated to understand how learning states, structure, stages, functions, and conditions of an individual learner emerge out network interactions among diverse intellectual, verbal, and motoric actions of an individual (a) with a system of various teaching instruments, and (b) with other individuals, characterized by distinct output dynamics and scales of operation. The aim is to consider a learning individual as a host of a system of mental elements communicating with each other, and as a subject within a system of communicators, and elucidate basic principles of internal and external communication, and how such systems dynamically integrate as a network to coordinate and optimize their functions, and to generate learning outcomes (new knowledge, new skills). The long-term goal is to build the first atlas (a broad set of blueprint reference maps) representing intellectual, verbal, and motoric network interactions of a learner (within specific age, gender, race, subject, topic limits).
(the description of Network Learning is a modification of the description of another very new scientific field – Network Physiology:
The links below lead to some of the publications on the matter:
·      “Brain-Base Learning: a Myth or a Reality?
·      Mapping Physics Content Knowledge
·      What does Thinking as a Physicists mean?
·      Critical reading of “Making Sense of Confusion”
·      A General Algorithm for Solving Physics Problems
·      Learning Aids for Students Taking Phsyics
·      Is Artificial Intelligence already Intelligence?

Thank you for visiting,
Dr. Valentin Voroshilov
Education Advancement Professionals

To learn more about my professional experience:
The voices of my students 
"The Backpack Full of Cahs": pointing at a problem, not offering a solution
Essentials of Teaching Science

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