Welcome! And don't judge the blog by its "cover", please.
Appearances can be deceiving.
What I Do: Dr. Voroshilov: from A to Z; (Professional
past, present, and future of a driven professional, an eloquent expert,
a productive author, and a collaborative colleague)
Two short video presentations:
Specific projects for addressing different areas of education and science of education.
1. Entry125253: High Frequency Data Streams in Education
(link to the full text)
2. Entry124656: objective measures of physics knowledge
(link to the full text)
3. Entry125317: National database teacher PD
(link to the full text)
4. Entry124655: role of NSF in funding education
(link to the full text)
1. Entry125253: High Frequency Data Streams in Education
(link to the full text)
2. Entry124656: objective measures of physics knowledge
(link to the full text)
3. Entry125317: National database teacher PD
(link to the full text)
4. Entry124655: role of NSF in funding education
(link to the full text)
(I) Teaching
(A) Groups
5th-graders; 6-th graders; 7-th graders; 8-th graders;
9-th graders; 10-th graders; 11-th graders; 12-th graders; 2-year college
students; 4-year college students; university students; school teachers; school
administrators; district administrators.
(B) Subjects
(B) Subjects
Physics for Engineers (two semesters); Elementary
Physics (two semesters); algebra, geometry; trigonometry; formal logic; problem
solving; group theory (discreet and continuous); methods for teaching science
courses; methods for advancing individual teaching practice; managing
innovations in education (initiation, implementation, growth, support,
assessment, audit).
(II) Managing/Consulting
to Director of an Institute; Director of
Department of computerization and information technologies; Director of
for Development of City School system; member or a team, leader of a
group of consultants for schools and school districts (initiation,
implementation, growth,
support, assessment, audit of innovations in education).
(III) Learning
graduated from schools with high GPA; participated in
a wide range of extracurricular activities; developed personal approach to
teaching (flipped the classroom before the approach was described in
publications); published papers on various aspects of advancing education;
converted publications into PhD theses and then found an adviser; moved to a
country without knowing the language; learned the language; learned how to
teach using foreign language; started publishing in foreign language.
A large portion of my ideas come to me while I am in traffic or in a
swimming pool. During the day there is not often much of a time to
formalize them
in a fashionable way. Most of my post are written in one seating as a
raw flaw of thoughts. This blog is the best I can do. Well, so far -
let's wait for retirement (and the memoir! ). However, I welcome anyone
who would like to
coauthor a piece and transform it from my "singing as you go" to a
fashionable publishable form - polish statements, new points,
references, ... . And also, if someone would find in any of
my posts a useful idea and used it, I would appreciate a reference to
the original.
(C) Education Advancement Professionals consulting services
We, Humans, are the only anti-entropic force in the whole Universe! Everyone has to do his/her part in fighting chaos! That's why the Universe crated us.
From On the Definition of AI:
"This is what teachers can do! From the NASA's "Brief History of Rockets"
(C) Education Advancement Professionals consulting services

We, Humans, are the only anti-entropic force in the whole Universe! Everyone has to do his/her part in fighting chaos! That's why the Universe crated us.
From On the Definition of AI:
"This is what teachers can do! From the NASA's "Brief History of Rockets"
“In 1898, a Russian schoolteacher, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935),
proposed the idea of space exploration by rocket. In a report he
published in 1903, Tsiolkovsky suggested the use of liquid propellants
for rockets in order to achieve greater range. Tsiolkovsky stated that
the speed and range of a rocket were limited only by the exhaust
velocity of escaping gases. For his ideas, careful research, and great
vision, Tsiolkovsky has been called the father of modern astronautics.”
I am an "investigative blogger". I insert myself into a situation I study and then I expose all BS I found there (BTW: BS means "beyond sense-making). I am not an idiot or a reckless person. I am a person who has strong opinions on matters (I believe U.S. needs more people like that, people who can lay out strong reasons for their statements and take a "blow" of a disagreement). The reason I can allow myself writing what I think, even if that is perpendicular to commonly adopted and conventional views, is that my financial situation is sufficient and stable. Of course, as a normal person, I wouldn't mind making more money, or being involved in more interesting projects (as described in my generic resume). But I do not have to pretend to be someone I'm not to make my living. I am aware of the fact that my chance to find many professionals with views similar to mine is slim. The demand for "professional correctness" is taken to such an extreme that it has become a demand for personal conformity. I believe in telling truth. Truth is facts. Facts are science. I believe in science. Facts can be upsetting or encouraging, but facts cannot be offensive. As a master in my field, I have no reservation to offer my critique of people whose actions overlap with the field of my expertise (human intelligence). I know (and fine with that) that the chance that my writing will have a significant effect is negligible. But the butterfly effect exists, so the chance is not exactly zero.
What is the difference between an expert and a professional?
A professional
does what is needed to be done.
An expert explains - why.
How do people become professionals?
By accumulating professional experience.
How do people become experts?
By reflecting on accumulated professional experience.
A Master is an expert professional.
My Mentors taught me a secret of becoming
a master teacher:
There are ONLY two rules for becoming a Master
1. Learn from the Masters;
2. Never stop pushing yourself.
"In order to be able to think you have to risk being
offensive" (From Jordan B. Peterson), because ability to take risk is
correlated with curiosity (only curious people are capable of taking risk;
people who play it safe have no curiosity and hence a vision).
I am an "investigative blogger". I insert myself into a situation I study and then I expose all BS I found there (BTW: BS means "beyond sense-making). I am not an idiot or a reckless person. I am a person who has strong opinions on matters (I believe U.S. needs more people like that, people who can lay out strong reasons for their statements and take a "blow" of a disagreement). The reason I can allow myself writing what I think, even if that is perpendicular to commonly adopted and conventional views, is that my financial situation is sufficient and stable. Of course, as a normal person, I wouldn't mind making more money, or being involved in more interesting projects (as described in my generic resume). But I do not have to pretend to be someone I'm not to make my living. I am aware of the fact that my chance to find many professionals with views similar to mine is slim. The demand for "professional correctness" is taken to such an extreme that it has become a demand for personal conformity. I believe in telling truth. Truth is facts. Facts are science. I believe in science. Facts can be upsetting or encouraging, but facts cannot be offensive. As a master in my field, I have no reservation to offer my critique of people whose actions overlap with the field of my expertise (human intelligence). I know (and fine with that) that the chance that my writing will have a significant effect is negligible. But the butterfly effect exists, so the chance is not exactly zero.
Thank you for visiting!
And don't judge the blog by its "cover", please.
Appearances can be deceiving.
Thank you for visiting!
And don't judge the blog by its "cover", please.
Appearances can be deceiving.
then you should not read this blog.
Although, if you can't handle the truth, you cannot solve any problem, because the first step of a problem-solving process is accepting the fact that you have a problem.
then you should not read this blog.
Although, if you can't handle the truth, you cannot solve any problem, because the first step of a problem-solving process is accepting the fact that you have a problem.
The Litmus Test (a psychological experiment).
I have all the relevant experience
(and more), including, but not limited to, teaching – in its most general sense: selecting the relevant content,
developing a syllabus, envisioning learning trajectories, designing teaching strategy, creating teaching tools (to facilitate and guide learning, to assess learning outcomes), and teaching (literally –
acting as a teacher).
I believe in the future of distant education,
(especially for teacher professional development),
and can help with making it better (my career choice).
In addition to my professional experience, I have various publications on the matters of teaching
science and philosophy of education (and more).
My most valuable “badge of honor” is a decade of a
proven (!) professional success <= this is the link I would advise to
start from, of course, if you are curious enough.
am curious how many managers have (a) curiosity, and (b) confidence, to
reach out to a complete stranger who may provide views/opinions/ideas
outside of orthodox/mainstream assumptions.